Symbolism of the deer
Kuayumari, the blue deer, who is the spirit of the Hikuri was hunted for the first time by the ancestors and sacrificed its life to them. Where its blood fell in the desert so the Hikuri was created. Kuayumari’s spirit still lives in the desert in a sacred site that is visited when on pilgrimage.
The Hikuri, the Deer and the Corn are all the same spirit. These are the life giving forces given to the Wixarika so they are able to thrive physically and spiritually in this world. Kuayumari is the messenger spirit between the Wixárika and their gods and is able to communicate to them directly upon ingestion of the sacred cactus or by tending the corn.
The Deer can assist humans in living in good relationship with all of life, reminding them of their sacred duty to keep the world in balance. The Deer also lives in the U.K. and is the guardian of our work here.