Indigenous Collaboration

Second Sight is fortunate to hold a rare collaboration with the Wixárika Nation, who reside in the Sierra Madre of north central Mexico.

Our partnership is forged in a decades-long history, which began from Jez undertaking training in Mexico at a sacred site called the Wirikuta in the early 2000s. The Wirikuta is the birthplace of the sun and home of Kuayumari and the sacrement Hikuri in Wixarika cosmology.

Ten years later through a series of synchronicities we were introduced to a senior marakame (shaman and spiritual leader) to support his work coming over to the U.K. for the first time. A deep relationship with several families from the Wixairka nation has since formed. This has involved much cultural exchange, shared sacred experiences, travel to the communities, support and mentorship. It is now at the point we have become ‘family’ to each other.

Without the guidance of the Wixarika, Second Sight wouldn’t have grown into the organisation it is today and we will be forever grateful and indebted to this remarkable tradition for everything they have shared with us. 


About the Wixárika

The Wixárika are a rare tribe in Meso America, in that they managed to resist both the Aztec and Spanish empires and keep their culture and traditions alive with very little outside interference. They are still self governing to this day.

The Wixárika (also known as Huichol) are well known for their pilgrimage to the Wirikuta to collect their sacrament, the Hikuri (Peyote) cactus which is used for ceremonial and healing purposes and sits at the heart of their culture. They are also known for the bead art that is created thorough their interaction with the sacred cactus. This bi- annual pilgrimage used to done by foot and would take two months to cover the 1000km round trip. 

Nowadays the travel is by vehicle, but still with the same intention, to re-enact the journey of their ancestors to visit the Wirikuta and its sacred mountain where the sun was born for the first time and the world was created.

On this journey, they visit many sacred sites along the way, giving offerings and cleansing themselves, so that when they enter the desert, they are able to meet the spirit of the Wirikuta free of the distractions and burdens of every day life. And free form the poisons that create sickness. In the desert, they ‘hunt the Deer’ (gather the Hikuri) and present final offerings to the sacred mountain. 

Deer Silhouette

Symbolism of the deer

Kuayumari, the blue deer, who is the spirit of the Hikuri was hunted for the first time by the ancestors and sacrificed its life to them. Where its blood fell in the desert so the Hikuri was created. Kuayumari’s spirit still lives in the desert in a sacred site that is visited when on pilgrimage.

The Hikuri, the Deer and the Corn are all the same spirit. These are the life giving forces given to the Wixarika so they are able to thrive physically and spiritually in this world. Kuayumari is the messenger spirit between the Wixárika and their gods and is able to communicate to them directly upon ingestion of the sacred cactus or by tending the corn.

The Deer can assist humans in living in good relationship with all of life, reminding them of their sacred duty to keep the world in balance. The Deer also lives in the U.K. and is the guardian of our work here.

Why are indigenous people coming to the West?

The Wixárika have always had a  policy of ultra safe guarding their traditions. However, like many indigenous people, especially those removed from the modern world, they started getting messages that humanity was in grave danger. Tatewari – the fire –  was informing them that the Earth was sick, and unless humanity changed its course and started showing respect to Her and living in proper balance, She would have to teach us a lesson. This could threaten our survival as a species. 

At the same time, the Mexican government granted mining concessions to a Canadian corporation for their sacred (and supposedly protected) mountain in the Wirikuta. The combination of these events pushed several Wixárika to attempt to educate those responsible (us in the West) for the collapse in relations between the human and non-human world, and are now sharing their teachings and culture. We are fortunate to be able to welcome these teachings. Watch the film below to discover more about the experience of the Wixárika