Shamanic Practitioner Training
Applications for 2025 now open
Our 3 year Shamanic Practitioner Training is a full initiatory training in the ancient art of shamanism. It is both challenging and transformative, to ensure that participants are given not only the tools to practice but, more importantly, the spiritual experience and resilience to truly embody the role of the shaman, in service to their communities.
In-depth Initiation Required
‘It brought me back into relationship with my power, my ancestors, spirit guides, and my calling, but more than that, and most unexpectedly, I was given a family, a community, and an opportunity to invest my soul into something that can, and is, changing the world we live in and lives we touch.’
– Course Participant
About the course
The course has evolved over fifteen years to offer those called to this path a solid framework and grounding in shamanism, which is relevant to the lives we live as modern humans. It is rooted in the wisdom that has guided indigenous people for millennia, that for humans to live in balance, we need to honour spiritually the environment where we reside. And that certain individuals throughout time have held the responsibility for this, these being the shamans: the healers and ceremonial leaders of their tribe. However, to undertake this role, the individual needs to first ‘get clean’ and be initiated into right relationship with the spiritual forces that govern life.
What you will learn
Participants will undergo a series of challenging, initiatory rites through the Four Seeds Initiations. At the same time, working through the elements, connecting with spirit representatives from each one, and around the ancient tool of the ‘Medicine Wheel’, a structure will be created that can be used for personal and collective transformation. In the second year we will work with the remaining three directions, the below- Mother, the above- Father and the centre- the mysterious, creative source of all life.
Through these two years emphasis will be placed on connecting to the land through the language of offerings and participating in authentic shamanic ceremonies. It will also involve connecting with your ancestors and cleaning the lines of inter generational trauma that have been passed down. For any shamanistic revival to happen in the modern world, we need the support of all our ancestors. Once these important foundational elements are in place, we can move onto learning the art of becoming a shamanic practitioner.
Techniques of the shaman
In the third year we will focus on cross cultural shamanic healing techniques. This will ensure that any techniques that are learnt will have the backing of power generated through the first two years. At the same time, what is taught comes from nearly two decades of experience using these healing methodologies in the real world working full tome as a shamanic practitioner. They are not taught from theory but what is applicable and works in a modern setting.
Training in Ancestral Healing, work to heal the dead, removal of poisons through Spirit Extraction, Power Retrieval and Soul Retrieval plus other lesser known techniques will all be covered.
Philosophy of shamanism
In the third year you will also learn a whole philosophy of what causes sickness, and thus, how it can be treated. This philosophy is one far removed from our modern perspective on reality, yet with the assistance of the spirits and backed up by the first two year’s initiations, participants will have the opportunity to be able to transfer this philosophy into practical application, to assist others to find real and effective healing.
For those wishing to go on to deepen and integrate the work much more fully, completing something resembling a traditional apprenticeship, there are now optional 4th and 5th years of the training.
Entry Requirements
In order to apply for this course, it is a prerequisite that you either have some experience of shamanic work or have first completed or are due to be studying on our ONLINE FOUNDATION IN SHAMANISM COURSE by the time you would be beginning the practitioner training.
Course commitment
This is a 3-year course. Initiates have to earn the right to learn the art of shamanic healing, this takes time and a lot of commitment. It is not something that can be rushed or forced. A lot of power needs to be generated first through initiation.
In between meetings there will be a lot of practises and rituals to complete, and the expectation of you giving the time and energy needed for these will be high.
More information
A maximum of eighteen participants will be in each group to insure a tight community can be formed. You will also receive personal mentoring by ex-students who have gone through the course and understand what you may be experiencing.
Once the three years have been completed alongside reviewed case studies, participants will have the potential, spirit willing, to practice as shamanic healers, having undergone tutelage in the techniques coupled with visceral, practical and initiatory experience into the world of the Shaman.
All teaching will be led by Jez Hughes and will be assisted by at least two other experienced practitioners.
For much more detailed explanation of the course content please read the Application Pack
Welcome to our Community
The Shamanic Practitioner course welcomes participants into the vibrant and growing Second Sight community with regular in-person meet ups and opportunities for peer learning. These are facilitated through specially designated website community channels and social media groups.
Due to the limited spaces available and challenging nature of this course, enrolment is by successful application only consisting of an application form and interview with Jez. .
Application involves submitting an application form followed by an interview with Jez. To apply, please download the application pack and read the instructions fully. Then complete the application form below and send it to us at Following this you will be able to book your interview.
Applications for 2025 now open
Full Course dates for Year 1 in 2025
(Year 2 & 3 TBC)
Fire Initiation: 1st-4th May 2025
Water Initiation: 12th-15th June 2025
Air Initiation: 24th-27th July 2025
Earth Initiation: 25th-28th September 2025
Our course teacher

Jez Hughes is the founder of Second Sight. He has studied shamanism intensively for over twenty five years with various teachers, from both contemporary shamanism and indigenous elders across the world. Jez has worked full time as a shamanic healer and teacher for twenty years, cultivating and grounding his experiences which form the basis of the Second Sight work. He has been in close relationship with the Wixarika (Huichol) nation of North Central Mexico for the past eleven years and is founding director of The Maye Tekuta Foundation, dedicated to supporting self sustainable development in Indigenous communities worldwide.
He is the author of The Heart of Life- Shamanic Initiation & Healing for the Modern World and The Wisdom of Mental Illness- Shamanism, Mental Health & the Renewal of the World. His work has been featured all across the national press and on ITV television.
Our unique interactive and experiential Tarot course, where we use many tools to ‘get to know’ the Tarot, beyond the mere intellectual. Upon completing this 20-week course, you will have all the tools necessary, spirit willing, to be able to undertake readings of a good standard.
Meanwhile, our 6-month online foundation in Shamanism course is designed to act as an immersion into the world of the Shaman. It takes participants on a intimate journey into the ancient practice of shamanism, covering all the key tenets of the path.
Words from the initiated
We graciously thank those who have given us feedback.